Blogging about Films, Fashion, Photography, Television and Music. Also on Twitter @Lilli__Rebecca
After a long boring (and very cold) wait outside the cinema a woman began handing out raffle tickets. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever gripped anything so tight in my life. Eventually the cast members arrived. This is were I began to scream outrageously whilst thrusting our posters, that my friends I made on the train over, into the air. My favourite cast member Ryan Dunn laughed once he read the poster about him, "We love you Ryan!(and your beard), before commenting that is was good and then signed it for us. At that moment I was pretty sure the night couldn't get any better. Boy I was wrong.
After swapping posters around Chris Pontius aka Party Boy, laughed widely at my poster about him , "I want to party with Party Boy", before repeatedly saying the words "no". It was obviously that amazing. Once the cast members descended into the cinema, an over dressed women stepped forward to draw the raffle. The whole time they were reading out tickets my heart was beating rapidly. After the last ticket was read out, I screamed. The women stepped forward to give me my prize, not only did I win a pretty awesome T-Shirt but two tickets into the premier.
As I had two friends with me we agreed that it was best that I went in alone whilst they waited. I called out that I had a spare ticket, and took in a lovely girl called Fiona. After sprinting down the red carpet, the film was about to start, we took up the last available seats. Front row. If you thought these were bad, you thought wrong. Chris Pontius walked up to Fiona, two boys that we met and I and began to talk to us as if we were old friends. He told us about the film and wondered why we bothered to come out and see it. This was where Bam Margera walked past and made a comment or two about Chris Pontius and why we would talk to him. Sigh. The Cast were then formerly introduced before they sat down, two seats away from me :). Ryan Dunn leaned forward and when vaguely recognising me smiled and waved. Swoon.
Before leaving I stole Bam Margera and Chris Pontius's popcorn. In the reception area I then met Sam Pepper from Big Brother. Best night of my life, so far :D